Monday, February 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Craft Projects For Kids

Thanksgiving craft
projects help little kids learn about the holiday and participate in the celebration. The craft projects create an active learning experience that helps keep children interested and focused enough to absorb some of the knowledge. Of course, the crafts are also enjoyable activities that often result in adorable gifts for parents. To ensure a Thanksgiving craft project is, in fact, an enjoyable experience for little kids, properly prepare with suitable projects.


Regardless of the exact activity you plan, prepare properly for the unique issues little kids present when creating a Thanksgiving craft project. For example, instead of giving them big bottles of glue and/or paint that they may overuse, prepare a small cup with each selection. Instead of setting out a flimsy paper cup filled with water to rinse the paintbrush, prevent the likely spill by using a sturdy plastic cup that is less likely to tip over.

If painting, drawing, gluing or cutting is involved in the Thanksgiving craft project, it's wise to put down some sort of protective covering on the table and floor. Use craft mats, garbage bags or a few layers of newspaper to help contain the mess little kids tend to create when working on crafts.


In order to prevent frustration and fights, choose a Thanksgiving craft project that is appropriate for the skill level of little kids. If the craft is too hard or takes too long, they will quickly lose interest. If the project is simple and just has a few extra steps, think about breaking the process up to spread over two or three days. That way the little kids can do a small task each day until the overall project is complete.

Thanksgiving Craft Projects

If the children are impatient and their attention spans are short, do some quick drawing as a Thanksgiving craft project. Have them draw a turkey, pilgrim, pumpkin or Mayflower ship. They can color and cut out a coloring book picture of a food-filled cornucopia or roast turkey. They also can use non-stain ink and paper to create a thumbprint turkey with fingerprint feathers.

Paper plate turkeys are a timeless Thanksgiving craft project for kids of any age. Extremely young children can use a glue stick to paste pre-cut paper feathers to a plate they have drawn a turkey face on with crayons. Little kids can color the plate brown, draw a turkey face and cut out feathers to glue on.

If the children all have basic cutting skills, they can each cut a brown strip from construction paper and have it stapled into a loop to create a headband. Then they can cut some feathers from red, yellow and orange construction paper to glue to the headband. If the kids do not have cutting skills, the headbands should be pre-made and the feathers should be pre-cut. The children are then free to spend their time decorating the feathers before pasting them to the headband.

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