Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Focal point For Kids To Create

Colorful craft items make decorative Thanksgiving table centerpieces.

Help your kids make festive Thanksgiving centerpiece crafts to enhance your holiday dinner table. Children can make charming table decor using basic household and craft items. Incorporate fall-inspired colors, such as dark orange, red, gold and brown into the craft to infuse the dinner table with Thanksgiving flair. Turkey crafts are easy for kids of all ages to make and will give the table a whimsical touch.


1. Turn a paper cup upside down and completely cover the outside of it with dark brown acrylic paint. Allow the cup to thoroughly dry.

2. Cut five feather shapes out of a mix of red, orange and yellow construction paper using craft scissors. Create a realistic look by cutting the ends of the feathers into rounded points. Spread craft glue on the bottoms of the feather shapes and press them onto the back of the painted cup; fan the feathers out to resemble a turkey's tail.

3. Glue two small googly eyes on a red, orange or yellow pom-pom, which will represent the turkey's head. Cut a small heart shape out of felt and glue it to the pom-pom upside-down as the gobbler. Create a tiny triangle shape out of yellow felt and glue it on top of the gobbler, tip-down, as the turkey's beak. Apply glue to the bottom of the decorated pom-pom and press it onto the top of the cup.

4. Cut two foot-shapes out of orange construction paper or felt and glue them to the bottom of the cup.

5. Place the turkey craft in the center of the Thanksgiving dinner table.

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