Thursday, February 20, 2014

Painting With Kids Without Brushes

Painting is fun with a variety of utensils.

Painting is not only fun for children, but it also has educational value. By working with paint, children develop creativity, express their feelings, learn about colors and have their first experiences with aesthetics. Though most painting is done with brushes, a variety of painting techniques use other utensils and tools.

Action Painting

This method is associated with American artist Jackson Pollock, who did not use brushes when creating his paintings. Assemble a variety of containers, including detergent bottles, tins with small holes in the bottom and even watering cans. Fill the containers with paint and cover the floor with protective plastic sheets. Spread large canvases, old bedsheets or wallpaper pieces on the floor and have your child to spread the paint by walking, jumping or dancing around with the containers. Once your child is satisfied with the result, leave the painting to dry before hanging it on a wall.

String Painting

Use strings to create works of art by submerging the strands into paint before placing them on paper. Experiment with various techniques, including making shapes with the strings, pulling one or more threads over the surface of the paper or folding the paper over strands dipped into different colors. Try writing your name with strings on pieces on paper, or see how the perception of color changes when using strands dipped in paint on canvases in different colors.

Hands and Feet

Create colorful paintings by letting your child walk over paper after dipping her feet into paint. Alternatively, have her to dip her hands in paint and make colorful impressions on paper. She can then embellish the prints by adding glitter or stickers, or making drawings with crayons or pencils. Besides the fun, the result can be an excellent piece of memorabilia to save or a present to give to grandparents.

Marble Art

Children can use marbles in different ways for painting. Try dipping the marble in paint poured into a shallow dish or saucer. Your child then can roll the marble over paper to make patterns. Alternatively, pour some paint directly onto the paper and ask the child to create a painting by rolling a marble through the paint. Make a painting in a shoebox by asking your child to drop marbles dipped in different colors of paint into the container before shaking it.


Cut shapes out of household sponges and have your child dip them in paint to create pictures. Shapes can include hearts, letters, flower blossoms or stars. Teach your child marble effects by applying more or less pressure to a sponge on paper. Cotton wool and paper tissue balls will also work but create a slightly different effect.

Squashed Paint

Ask your child to pour paint on paper with the help of a teaspoon. Repeat with various colors and cover the sheet with another piece of paper. Roll over the top sheet with a rolling pin or bottle to squash the paint between the two papers, then carefully peel the sheets apart. Your child will have two mirror-image pieces of art.


Teach your child various shapes and textures by dipping household utensils, including thread spools, corks, toothpick containers or small boxes into paint and pressing them onto paper. The child can make geometrical patterns or create paintings of objects or structures like houses and monuments. Your child to add to the design by making drawings, spreading glitter or attaching stickers.

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