Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Steps To Make Buckwheat Shell Pillows

Buckwheat hull pillows have been used in Asian countries for years. Buckwheat hulls conform perfectly to the shape of the head and neck, ensuring individualized support each night. Air circulates freely through buckwheat hulls, so pillows made from them are thermodynamic. Smaller therapeutic buckwheat pillows are used as eye pillows, or heated for use in targeting back pain or other muscle pain.


1. Cut two identical pieces of cotton material into 21-inch by 17-inch rectangles.

2. Lay the rectangle with the right sides of the fabric together and the wrong side on the outside.

3. Sew all around the edge of the rectangles, ¼ inch from the edge. Leave a 5-inch space un-sewn.

4. Turn the pillowcase inside out, bringing the right side of the pillow case to the outside.

5. Fill the pillow case with the buckwheat hulls so that it is full, but not so packed that the hulls cannot move about.

6. Hand sew the 5-inch hole with the needle and thread in small, tight stitches so that no hulls can escape.

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