Thursday, August 1, 2013

How You Can Keep Dust Away Longer

Dust electronics regularly because the static electricity causes them to attract dust.

Dust is one of the enemies of a clean house, and no matter what you do, it always seems to return. If you suffer from allergies or breathing problems, having too much dust around can be detrimental to your health. Luckily, there are several things that you can do to help keep dust out of your home longer. The trick is to find ways to prevent and remove dust before it has a chance to settle.


1. Ask people to remove their shoes before entering your home. Dust is tracked in on shoe soles. If you prefer not to ask people to go barefoot, provide mats outside every door in your home for people to wipe their feet on before entering.

2. Use quality filters in your furnace and air conditioner. Cheap fiberglass filters don't prevent fine particles of dust from passing through, allowing dust to scatter throughout your home. Choose a filter with the highest MERV (Mean Efficiency Reporting Value) rating that your furnace can handle. Replace your filter regularly according to manufacturer recommendations.

3. Humidify your home if you live in a dry area. Dry air creates static electricity, which attracts dust. Try to maintain a humidity level of 40 to 50 percent. Purchase a whole-home humidifier that attaches to the furnace, or use a portable humidifier in your home.

4. Run an air purifier in your home. Use a fan-powered purifier to remove and trap dust before it has a chance to settle. This is especially important if you have breathing problems.

5. Wipe dust with a cleaning rag or a microfiber duster, rather than using a feather duster. Feather dusters scatter dust, which sends it into the air, just to settle again in your home. Microfiber cloths attract and hold dust. When you wash these, don't use a dryer sheet, because it reduces the ability of the microfiber to attract dust.

6. Clean your vents. Hire a professional company to clean out your heating and cooling vents to remove any accumulated dust. This can be done semi-annually and will go a long way toward cleaning the air in your home. If you choose not to hire a professional to clean your vents, you can still clean by using your vacuum hose attachments inside each vent opening.

7. Vacuum regularly to prevent dust from getting stirred up into the air as you walk around. Take rugs outside to shake or beat them regularly to further remove dust.

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