Monday, August 26, 2013

Steps To Make Homemade Best Of Luck Charms

Clovers with four leaves are considered a good luck charm

No one is just born lucky. People become lucky by applying four basic principles to their lives: being creative; listening to your intuition; positive thinking; and taking control of bad situations to turn them around. Many people believe that a good luck charm enhances these principles and makes them feel more empowered. A good luck charm's purpose is to emit a positive spiritual energy around the carrier and promote favorable outcomes to circumstances. You can make one kind of good luck charm with a few materials and some basic steps.


1. Check a calendar with moon phases on it to see when the next new moon is. This good luck charm works best if it is made while there is a new moon.

2. Anoint the two light green candles in the oil by dipping your fingers into the oil and rubbing the base of each candle. This symbolically purifies the candles. Use light green candles, which symbolize good luck and wealth. Do not use a dark green candle, which represents justice and will not aid in making your good luck charm. Light the candles after anointment is complete.

3. Place a bowl between the two lit candles and put your beloved small item in the bowl. You can use any small item. A pebble, a ring, a pendant or even a pair of earrings work nicely.

4. Say a small prayer to the creator you personally believe in. Ask your creator to aid in making your beloved item lucky.

5. Sprinkle the allspice and nutmeg or cinnamon over the beloved object in the bowl. Pick up one of the candles and move it around the bowl in a clockwise fashion. Do this several times, repeating your prayer. Repeat this every month on the new moon to keep your item as lucky as possible.

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