Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bird Identification In Arkansas

Eastern bluebird

The list of birds seen in the state of Arkansas contains about 400 species, according to the Arkansas Audubon Society, and more than 310 of these can be observed regularly, depending on the season. The abundance of bird species makes Arkansas a favored birding location for birdwatching enthusiasts. Arkansas made news in the birding field in 2005 when the ivory-billed woodpecker was sighted in the Big Woods region of eastern Arkansas. Until then, the species had been thought to be extinct.

Notable Sightings

Bald eagles spend winters in Arkansas.

Arkansas has long been known for the wintering of Americas' bald eagles, which are regularly spotted around the state's larger lakes and rivers. The endangered red-cockaded woodpecker is a resident of the pine woods. Every season offers different bird identification opportunities in every area of the state. The diversity of habitats, including forests and mountains, wetlands and prairies, give shelter to hundreds of year-round resident birds as well as a large population that migrates during the spring and fall.

Locations for Birding

Arkansas has an abundance of locations accessible for bird spotting and identification. There are national wildlife refuges, state parks and wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, three national forests and hundreds of lakes and rivers. Many of these sites have visitors centers, where you can pick up a map and a checklist of birds you can expect to see in that habitat. An online search for Arkansas National Wildlife Refuges will yield descriptions of what is available at various locations around the state. This is especially helpful if you need lodging or want to know if tours are available or whether a permit is required.

Popular Sites

Some of the most popular sites of interest to birders include Big Lake, the Buffalo National River, White River Refuge, Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge and the Arkansas Post National Memorial. State parks offer hiking and fishing as well as bird watching. They include Pinnacle Mountain, DeGray Lake Resort, Village Creek and Devil's Den. For winter waterfowl, Lake Chicot and Millwood Lake have had sightings of vermilion flycatcher and rock wren as well as herons and egrets. Many of the state parks host eagle-watching events each winter.


A few items of equipment are necessary for a successful and enjoyable bird identification experience. A good pair of lightweight, high-resolution binoculars and a field guide, with pictures and descriptions, are essential to accurately identify the birds. Many birders believe a camera is a necessary piece of equipment. Having a photographic record of your sightings can be a source of pleasure for years to come. It is wise to wear a bright orange vest or other bright clothing so you are highly visible to hunters who might be in the area.


A brochure entitled Arkansas Bird Checklist is available by request from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, and the Arkansas Audubon Society website has a downloadable Field Checklist of the Birds of Arkansas. For information on the different species in the state, plus tips for birdwatching, a list of nature centers and suggestions for the best viewing locations, the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism has partnered with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission to produce a Birding and Watchable Wildlife brochure. This publication is available at any of the 14 Arkansas welcome centers.

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