Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do-it-yourself Pattern To Create A Hands Fan

Let kids color and draw on the card stock to create sentimental designs for your paddle fans.

Fans have been both a boon to hot summer days and humid fashion nights. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors with the artist's ability being the only limit to design. Now you can design and make your own. This paddle fan pattern can be made to be as artistic or as abstract as you like. To make it even more durable, laminate it. The card stock and paint stirrer combination is generally sturdy enough to last for more than a single occasion.


1. Place the paint stirrer in the lower center of the card stock. At least half of the paint stirrer should be placed on the card stock. Do not glue the paint stirrer yet, but do mark its location on the fan pattern. Trace the desired shape of the fan around the paint stirrer either in a standard rounded square or any shape you wish. The pattern should extend at least 2 inches above the paint stirrer.

2. Cut out the traced fan. Sarah Farr, an artist who also designs fashion accessories, suggests saving it as a pattern for any future fans you make, particularly if you create a more unique design than a rounded square.

3. Place the fan pattern on another piece of card stock. Trace the shape and cut out. Cut out two card stock pieces for each fan you make.

4. Paint or draw your desired decorative pattern onto one side of the card stock. If you want the fan to have a design on both sides, paint or draw on a second piece of card stock. Alternatively, you can design your pattern in a graphic design program and print it directly onto the card stock. Allow any painted or printed patterns to dry thoroughly.

5. Glue the paint stirrer onto the blank side of one of your card stock fan pieces. Apply the adhesive all along the point where the card stock and paint stirrer meet. Then apply the adhesive to the edges of the fan and the other side of the paint stirrer. Line up the blank side of the other piece of card stock exactly against the glued sheet and press together firmly.

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