Thursday, March 21, 2013

Indian Peacock Crafts

The male peacock uses its tail feathers to court females.

The unmistakable tail feathers of an Indian peacock are inspiration for beautiful fabric prints, interior decorating color schemes and jewelry. The male uses its feathers to colorfully display its evolutionary gifts during mating season. Indian peacock crafts can be used to teach about color and animal behavior.

Handprint and Footprint Peacock

This colorful peacock craft is made from handprints and footprints. Trace a footprint on blue construction paper and sets of handprints on different-colored construction paper. The handprints will serve as the feathers for the peacock, so the more handprints you make the bigger the peacock tail will be. Draw eyes and a beak on the heel part of the footprint. Glue two feet cut from construction paper on the toes of the footprint. Glue the handprints, fingers out, onto the back of the footprint. Combine different-colored handprints to represent the colored feathers of the peacock, layering them outward.

Paper Plate Peacock

Use different colors to draw peacock feathers on a white paper plate. The feathers should start in the center of the plate and radiate to the outside. You can use a stamp pad to make thumbprints to use as the eye of the peacock feathers. Cut out a peacock body from a piece of blue construction paper. The body should resemble a bowling pin. Draw a beak and eyes on the head and feet at the bottom. Glue the peacock body to the bottom of the plate.

Toilet Paper Roll Peacock

Cover a toilet paper roll tube with blue construction paper. Cut out a circle and wings also from blue construction paper. With a piece of paper in landscape position, draw horizontal bands of different peacock colors like blue, green and purple until the paper is filled with color. Accordion fold the paper into half-inch folds until you reach the top. Still in landscape position and folded, fold the paper in the center to create a fan. Draw a beak and eyes on the circle and attach to the front of the toilet paper tube and glue the wings to the sides. Tape the fan to the back of the toilet paper roll tube for the feathers.

Peacock Feather Earrings

If you happen to get your hands on an actual peacock feather you can make earrings. Cut the feather to the desired length and pluck the top of the feather to reveal the stem. Take jewelry wire and pinch it around the base of the stems using jewelry pliers. Continue to wrap jewelry wire around the stem until it is secure. Make a loop with the wire before pinching it again to secure the wire. Attach an earring finding to the loop. You can modify this craft for children using a clip-on earring finding that has a pad. Using a glue gun, glue the stem of the peacock feather to the back of a gem sticker with a flat surface the size of the clip-on finding. Glue the sticker to the clip-on finding pad.

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