Friday, March 15, 2013

Easy Thanksgiving Crafts For Children To Create

Thanksgiving crafts let kids contribute to dinner table decor.

Kids can make many simple Thanksgiving crafts with basic craft supplies you may already have at home. Thanksgiving crafts make learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans fun and keep kids occupied while home from school. Kids can use their creativity to create Thanksgiving decorations for the dinner table or apparel to wear.

Toilet Paper Roll Turkey

Kids can create a cute turkey decoration with a leftover toilet paper roll and basic craft supplies. Six to eight feather shapes are cut out of red, orange and yellow construction paper. Stand the toilet paper roll up and tape or glue the feathers to the back so they fan out like a turkey's feathers. Googly eyes and a construction paper beak and legs are glued to the front of the roll.

Turkey Place Cards

Personalized place cards are a fun craft that lets kids contribute to the turkey day dinner. Purchase blank place cards or cut card stock into 4-by6-inch rectangles and fold in half to create place cards. Your kids can press their thumbs on a non-toxic ink pad and place them on the card to create the turkey's body. Fingertips are pressed into the ink to create lots of feathers at the end of the body and a turkey head. Draw a beak and feet on the turkey with a marker and write a diner's name on each card.

Native American Headband

A Native American headband lets kids act out Native American customs associated with Thanksgiving. Cut a 2-inch wide strip of construction paper. Kids can then cut out large feathers from multi-colored construction paper and tape or glue them to the center of the strip. The headband is wrapped around your child's head and taped in place for a fun Native American accessory.

Candy Cornucopia Place Holders

Kids can create a fun and tasty alternative to place card holders for Thanksgiving dinner. Your kids can use orange or red decorator icing that comes in a tube to write the names of Thanksgiving diners on ice cream sugar cones. Fill the cones with candy in Thanksgiving colors; a healthier alternative to candy is dried fruit or snack mix. The cones are placed in front of each place setting for a place card and tasty treat in one.

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