Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Steps To Make Poultry Adornments For Thanksgiving

Make turkey-themed decorations for your Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family and friends. Usually, the day of Thanksgiving is spent with your loved ones taking part in any number of family traditions, including watching parades, playing football and eating a big dinner. Another way to enjoy the day with family is to make turkey-themed crafts to use as decorations. With little time and effort, you can make your own turkey decorations using everyday products.



1. Use a compass to draw a circle on the side of a brown-paper lunch bag that does not have a seam. Depending on the size of your lunch bag, your circle size may vary. Keep the circle about 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the bag and about 3/4 inch in from both sides of the bag. Cut out the circle and set the bag aside.

2. Draw another circle, using your compass, on a piece of white tissue paper. This circle should be slightly larger than the brown circle.

3. Cut out triangular strips of orange and yellow tissue paper that are half the diameter of the circle. Using a glue stick, glue these pieces to the top half of the white circle. This will be your turkey's tail feathers.

4. Cut two wing shapes out of red tissue paper and glue them to the white circle as well, in a position where a turkey's wings should be.

5. Use the brown circle to cut out a turkey head and body. Glue it on top of the turkey tail and wings. If you'd like, you can draw a face onto the turkey.

6. Glue the white circle onto the hole in the brown-paper lunch bag, ensuring the white circle covers the hole entirely and the turkey faces upright. Press the edges of the white circle to the bag where you placed the glue and allow it to dry.

7. Fill the bag with 1 inch of sand and place a battery-operated tea light candle in the sand to make your luminary.

Turkey Place Mats

8. Place a piece of construction paper onto your work surface. You can use any color you want for the construction paper.

9. Dip your hand or a child's hand into finger paint. You can use any color you would like; however, festive colors such as browns, yellows, reds and oranges tie in nicely with your turkey theme.

10. Press the finger-painted hand onto the center of the construction paper and remove the hand. Allow the paint to dry.

11. Use the finger paint to decorate the handprint to look like a turkey, adding legs, a face, a beak and a wattle. Allow the paint to dry.

12. Place the completed place mat between two pieces of clear contact paper to make it food safe.

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