Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How To Look For The Sex Of Peafowl Chicks

A male peafowl is termed a peacock; while a female is called a peahen. Like any species, there are some signs to look for when determining gender in these birds. Being able to determine the gender, whether as a farmer, breeder or show person, aids in appropriate care, housing and feed of the bird. Read on to learn more.


1. Determine sex through the different color schemes for each gender. Peafowl come in many species, usually delineated by color. Observe your flock's color variances and use the guide below to sort males from females based on breed.

2. Check for red rust colored feather in males of the purebred blue variety and chocolate brown colors in the females. This difference is obvious at birth.

3. Sex the black shoulder breeds at around eight or ten weeks based on a green or tan lace pattern around the neck of the male. The female doesn't have this pattern. This pattern eventually turns into the blue neck so popular and well known in this breed.

4. Observe peafowl size. Green and white species are the most difficult to sex, as their colors don't display obvious variances by gender. A group or flock of these can be sexed relative to size, as the male hens will be taller and have longer legs and necks.

5. Watch peafowl behavior. Mixed breeds or mixed color fowl will need to be sexed according to behavior patterns and size, as color pattern sexing may fail in this regard.

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