Monday, June 10, 2013

How You Can Decorate A Light Shade For Wedding Table decorations

A lampshade will set the mood of your reception.

Some trendy brides are thinking out of the box and looking to lighting accessories for centerpiece inspiration. Brides that want something different, artsy and sophisticated are turning to lampshades to create stunning wedding centerpieces. A lampshade centerpiece will give any table instant personality and color. Depending on the look you are after, there are a variety of ways to create a lampshade centerpiece that will help make your wedding memorable.


1. Choose a thin clear glass vase so as not to block the flow of conversation between guests. A vase that is at least 23 inches tall works well. Check that the vase has a wide mouth because it will help to keep the lampshade in place.

2. Select a lampshade that goes along with the theme of your wedding. Hot glue embellishments to the lampshade such as ribbon, artificial flowers, beads, sequins or feathers that match your wedding color scheme. Embellish the edges of the lampshade or the entire surface of it. Or use acrylic paints to make designs on the surface. Let the glue dry.

3. Pour water into the vase and a decorative filler that you like. Submerge artificial flowers that complement your wedding colors into the water. Or if you want your centerpiece to have a cool lighting effect, put holographic shred filler, submersible LED lights or battery charged fairy lights into the vase. Or use colored sand or vase gems as a vase filler.

4. Place the lampshade on top of the vase and set in the center of the table.

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