Friday, June 21, 2013

Diy Roses & Peacock Feather Bouquet

Make a bouquet extra special with dazzling peacock feathers.

On her wedding day, the bride is the center of all attention. With a stunning white gown, beautiful hairstyle and dazzling jewelry, she is a sight to behold. A bouquet helps add to the bride's impressive look by adding the natural beauty of flowers along with a burst of color. Incorporating peacock feathers into a floral arrangement gives the bouquet even more color and texture, while adding a unique and exotic touch.


1. Lay a number of roses upon a work surface. Gather the stems in your hand, arranging them as you would like.

2. Secure the floral arrangement by wrapping a small piece of floral wire or a piece of floral tape around the stems once.

3. Use floral shears to trim the stems to an even length.

4. Add floral tape to the length of the bouquet. Begin at the top and wrap around the stems, working downward.

5. Place some peacock feathers along the outside of the bouquet, where they can show some color but not stick out too much from the flowers. Use a dab of hot glue to secure the feathers to the floral tape on the stems.

6. Add another dab of hot glue near the top of the stems. Wrap the ribbon around the floral tape and the feather stems. Near the end, add another dab of hot glue. Cut the ribbon and secure it in the glue.

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