Friday, June 28, 2013

How You Can Raise A Peafowl

Male peacocks and female paehens are collectively known as peafowl. Relatives of the pheasant, these majestic birds are distinguished by their wide variety of color and the male's display of a fine fan of feathers. With this article, learn the basics of how to raise and nurture these birds of beauty.


1. Purchasing a chick. When one is just getting started in the peafowl business, it is easiest to purchase chicks from a breeder as opposed to incubating and hatching an egg. Breeders can be found through associations and online. When locating a breeder online, they will usually list their prices and shipping information. If possible, locate a breeder who is in your area so that you can visit the farm and hand pick your chicks.

2. Housing peafowl. Peacocks and peahens can be raised in any climate, just as long as proper shelter is provided to them during extreme temperatures. Providing your peafowl with the accommodations of a barn or simple "chicken coup" type of building is considered sufficient. Be sure that you keep an ample supply of straw for bedding and sturdy perches for them to sit on.

3. Medicating. In effort to keep your peafowl disease free, they must be wormed regularly. It is suggested by peafowl farmers to worm caged birds (peafowl who are kept in a fenced in area) every month. Peafowl who are free to roam the area should be wormed at least four times a year.

4. Feeding. Peafowl eat game bird feed, cracked corn and grubs. Peafowl have a habit of eating anything within beak's reach, including trash. Be sure to keep your garbage out of their reach at all times. Peachicks should be fed chicken growing pellets which contain high levels of protein.

5. Join an association. By joining an association such as the United Peafowl Association, you can stay informed of the latest peafowl information as well as be in communication with other peafowl farmers. Belonging to an association will help you in the effort of buying and selling peafowl.

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