Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How You Can Skin Wild Game

You need to remove the animal's skin before eating.

Many hunters use killed wild game for food or fur. The hunter or another experienced person must clean, skin and properly butcher the killed animal. Skinning an animal requires attention to detail, especially if the meat will later be eaten. Although discarding the animal's hide is an option, hunters can use the skin for clothing, decoration or crafts.


1. Lay the animal on a slightly inclined ramp; place the head uphill.

2. Tie the genitals of male animals with string to prevent urine contamination in the meat.

3. Cut just underneath the skin from the beginning of the tail to the chin.

4. Saw off the hooves or feet of larger animals.

5. Cut beneath the skin of each leg starting at the foot or hoof and ending at the leg's joint.

6. Peel the skin up toward the head of the animal. Smaller animals' skins peel away like a coat. Larger animals have tougher hides that may require knives. If possible, slip the skin over the animal's head or simply saw off the head and peel the skin off the neck.

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