Friday, September 13, 2013

How You Can Tie Flyfishing Knots

Although those who originally delighted in fly fishing aimed mostly at catching trout, today they also catch many other species. They accomplish this by using skill in tying the end of the fishing line, called the tippet, to the hook with knots. When a fisherman doesn't tie the knots correctly he can lose both the hook and the fish. With a little practice, tying the following knot becomes automatic.


1. Insert about six to eight inches of the tippet through the eye of the fly hook.

2. Hold the hook steady with the left hand while holding about four inches of the main line taunt with the two middle fingers of the right hand.

3. Wrap the tippet around the main line about four to five times, using the thumb and first finger of the right hand.

4. Leave a small loop right at the eye of the hook. You can pinch this small loop with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand to make sure it stays in place.

5. Place the end of the tippet that did the wrapping back through the small loop next to the eye of the hook. Grab this end with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and hold it tight.

6. Lubricate the wrapped portion of the line and the wrap itself. Slowly pull the line with the right hand, holding the hook and tippet end tight and steady. The knot forms from the pull.

7. Trim the end of the tippet off.

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