Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Victorian Baby Gifts

Victorian baby gifts reflected the Victorians' love of beauty and exquisite handmade items.

Victorians were collectors. They appreciated exquisite handmade items and loved anything domestic. During the Victorian era, for the first time in history, collecting was not limited to the wealthy. The dawning of industrialization and low-cost machine-made goods resulting in an availability of items that had never been experienced before. Baby and christening gifts reflected the thinking of the period; items made from or decorated with silver, silk, coral, feathers and beads were cherished.

Infant Toilet Case

This gift was for the mother who visited or traveled from time to time. Its purpose was to keep all the items needed for both baby's and mother's comfort together in one convenient container for each. Generally created of pastel silks, two versions of this gift were often made, one for the mother and a slightly smaller duplicate for the baby. The mother's case contained ribbon straps to hold items such as a vanity set, or silver-embellished comb, mirror and brush set, sponge, powder puff and powder. The baby's version had ribbons to accommodate such items as a sponge, a silver-embellished baby brush and comb set, a silver rattle and baby powder.


Silver cups, porringers or knife-fork-spoon sets were oft-admired baby gifts. Coral teethers and silver rattles adorned with silver bells and whistles were popular presents. The old saying "Born with a silver spoon in his mouth" could describe this era as many babies in the middle and upper classes were gifted with items of silver. These items were often engraved with the date and baby's name, making them not only memorable but valuable collector's items.

Linens, Blankets and Clothing

Lace-trimmed pillows, receiving blankets, shawls, booties, sweaters and caps were also popular items for gift giving, regardless of the child's gender. Since items of exquisite handwork were treasured during this era, most of the items the baby received were handmade. Often the godmother gave the infant's cap and christening gown as her present to the baby. These items were beautifully embellished with embroidered flowers, satin ribbon and lace. Pillowcases were often crafted using pale, lace-trimmed silks and delicately crocheted baby blankets were appropriate.

Valuable Investment

In the upper class, godmothers and godfathers were often selected not only for their long friendship with the parents, but also for their social standing and bank account status. This was an important consideration for the small child in regard to his future opportunity; those persons most likely to offer advancement in life to the child were typically selected. Giving a costly gift or valuable investment of some sort was considered necessary. Often the godchild was added to godfather or godmother's will.

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