Monday, December 23, 2013

How You Can Trap Quail

Varieties of quail can be found all over the world.

Quail are a variety of birds common to the pheasant family. These birds are distinguished by being short, chubby and largely terrestrial. Quail are capable of short flights, and make nests in thickets of ground cover and hedgerows. Many types of traps are used to capture quail; all vary widely in setting and handling procedures. The approach to luring in the birds is universal.


1. Locate quail coveys along the perimeter of open meadows, near thickets, hedgerows and low lying brush. Spotting feathers in large quantities is an indicator that quail are nearby. Some quail roost on low-hanging power lines or barbed-wire fences.

2. Seed the prospective area for a few days prior to setting the trap. Seed a diameter of 20 to 30 feet. Observe the seeded area to determine how many quail approach, and from which direction. A large covey -- 15 to 20 birds -- requires a trap 4 to 6-feet long and 3 to 5-feet wide.

3. Set the trap in the area most accessible for the quail. Follow the trap's specific setting instructions. Keep the trap at least 40 yards from the nesting area, near your pre-seeded plot.

4. Dig a shallow trench -- or several shallow trenches -- 8 to 10 feet in length. The trenches lead to the trap's entrance.

5. Seed an area completely surrounding the trap. Place the seed 20 to 30 feet from the trap's center. Seed the trenches leading to the trap entrance.

6. Conceal part of the trap with loose foliage or camouflage netting. Do not block the trap's entrance.

7. Check the trap daily. Remove the quail following the trap's specific instructions.

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