Tuesday, December 17, 2013

About Purchasing Palms

Palm trees evoke a tropical, exotic feeling. Palms make wonderful specimen trees when planted outside, and can add a bit of flair when combined with other indoor foliage. By adding palms to your landscape outside or in, you'll be able to create your own little slice of paradise. They can be expensive, though.


Palms have been around for centuries, and for many have been a source of food. The use of the date palm for food is documented as far back as biblical times. The dates, or fruits, of the palm are still used today. The coconut palm is another variety that is used for its fruit. The meaty flesh of the coconut has been used for food for centuries, as well as its milk. Many shipwrecked sailors who landed in tropical areas survived on the coconut. Palms have also been an important source of shelter for many communities of people for centuries.

In the United States and England during the Victorian Era, having plants inside your house was fashionable. One of the most popular palms during this era was the kentia palm.


Before buying a palm, consider which type will be best for you. Basically there are two types of palms, with their names referring to the shape of the fronds. There is the fan and feather palm, with many varieties growing under each category. Palms have either a smooth stem or a thorny stem. The fan palm has a thick frond, almost like a fan, with many having spikes or thorns. The most popular grown fan palm is the Chinese Fan Palm. The feather palms have fronds that are longer and divided, flowing easily in the wind. A good example of a feather palm is a queen palm. When buying a palm, consider whether you want to deal with the spikes or have a smooth surface.


There's a lot to take into consideration when buying palms for your home. Some palms stay relatively small and are easy to trim and manage; others can grow 20 feet tall or higher. Consider where you want your palm to live. Not all palms will take to living inside and remain healthy.

When choosing a palm for outside, take into consideration where you're planting it. Be sure the palm has room to grow and won't interfere with power lines, pool enclosures or other structures. Also, because some palms have thorny stems, do you want to deal with this when having to prune them? Many palms also grow in clumps instead of one basic tree. Educate yourself about the palms you're interested in before buying one.

Price and Size

The bigger the palm, the higher the price. Some palms can run into hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars when purchasing a full-grown tree. Most palms grow relatively quickly, so if you have time to wait, buying a smaller one will save money. Most nurseries will have a variety of palms and sizes. The nursery should be able to tell you whether or not the palm is a quick grower and which conditions it prefers.

Finding a good price

Palm trees' prices often vary considerably from one nursery to the other. Check the phone book for nurseries or tree farms. Many nurseries in southern regions of the country specialize in palms only. If you look in the want ads section of the newspaper, you'll often see palms being advertised for sale. Many times a landscaper has an overabundance of palms he can't use on a job and will let them go for an affordable price.

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