Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pressurized Air Dust Cleaning

Keeping the interior of your computer free from dust helps maintain your system's performance.

It is tricky to keep your computer free of dust and debris. Using a compressed air duster makes the job considerably easier.

Compressed Air Dusters

Available in many sizes, compressed air dusters consist of a can of pressurized air with a trigger mechanism and, usually, a thin straw attachment for getting into tight spots.

Power Down

Before cleaning the interior of your computer or other electronic device, power the system down, and leave it off for 10 to 15 minutes. Some components become hot when the computer is running, and spraying cold air on them before they cool down can cause damage.

Short Bursts

The key to compressed air dusting is short, controlled bursts. Holding down the trigger lowers the temperature of the can and can make it difficult to hold.


Pay special attention to any fans inside your computer, as they can attract dust. Dust buildup on fans and attached heat sinks can affect your computer's performance or, even, cause parts to fail.

Keep Upright

Never turn a can of compressed air upside down while in use; this can cause the refrigerant chemicals to spray through the nozzle, and can damage equipment and cause injury.

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