Thursday, December 5, 2013

How You Can Store More Tunes With An Ipod device Per Gb

Fit more music onto your iPod by changing the compression settings.

If you're a die-hard music fan, no amount of storage space is ever enough. There are always more songs than there is space on your iPod. However, there are ways of maximizing the music you fit onto your device. Knowing you want to fit as much media as possible onto your player, whatever the hard drive size, Apple has developed more efficient ways of compressing music without losing fidelity. Storing your music in these compression standards can allow you to put more tunes on your iPod without losing too much quality.


1. Open iTunes on the computer you use to manage your music collection.

2. Open iTunes' "Preferences" window. On a PC, this is located within the "Edit" menu; on a Mac, it's within the "iTunes" menu.

3. Click "Import Settings" from within the "General" tab of the "Preferences" window.

4. Set the "Import Using" box to "AAC Encoder" and the "Setting" box to "High Quality." These settings allow you to import audio that sounds as good as a high-quality MP3 (the standard format for music files), but at a lower file size.

5. Import music to iTunes by inserting music CDs and clicking "Import." If you don't see this option, click on the CD in the left pane of iTunes. Highlight all songs, right-click, and select "Import using AAC."

6. Delete earlier copies of your music files imported at a higher file size by highlighting them and pressing "Delete" or "Backspace."

7. Connect your iPod to your computer and click "Sync." Your newly imported music will be sent to your iPod and the older, space-filling music deleted.

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