Friday, January 25, 2013

Bilingual Child Crafts For November

November crafts begin with falling leaves (las hojas estan cayendo) and end with turkeys (los pavos).

Mr. Turkey and Senor Pavo can help bridge the language divide and set the stage for traditional handprint turkeys. November would be incomplete without the joy of leaf rubbings, which are also easily transformed into vehicles of bilingual vocabulary fun. Almost any November craft can become a bilingual success. Get ready to teach bilingual vocabulary, fine-motor skills, music, art and science, all while building bilingual community.

Mr. Turkey and Senor Pavo Song and Bilingual Turkey Craft Vocabulary

Songs are a great way to build bilingual vocabulary, and many can be connected to literacy and craft activities.

Young children adore the Mr. Turkey Song, and it can be used in a few different crafts. It goes to the tune of "Are You Sleeping."

Here are the lyrics in Spanish and English:

Mr. Turkey,

Mr. Turkey,

Run Away!

Run Away!

If you are not careful,

you will be a mouthful,

Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day!

Senor Pavo,

Senor Pavo,



tenga cui-da-do

o sera nuestra ce-na

Dia de Gracias.

Dia de Gracias!

Craft Vocabulary in English and Spanish: "Turkey" is "pavo"; feathers are "plumas"; "song" is "canción"; "glue" is "pegamento" (as a noun) or "pegar" (as a verb); "draw" is "dibujar"; "sing" is "cantar"; "crayons" are "crayolas"; "paper" is "papel o hoja"; "hands" are "manos"; "trace" is "trazar"; and "color" is "pintar."

Mr. Turkey and Senior Pavo Craft

Use fall colors such as red, orange and yellow for your book cover, with white paper for the songs and turkey picture.

Print out a copy of Mr. Turkey in each language for each student. The children can glue the pages down on a large piece of construction paper so they create a book with the songs inside when they fold it in half. On another sheet of paper, have each child trace her hand and color it like a turkey, with the thumb becoming the head and the fingers becoming tail feathers. Glue the paper on the front of the song book to create a cover.

Messy Turkey Hand and Additional Bilingual Vocabulary

Parents love handprint art, but not the mess it can create. Be sure to use smocks!

For a messier bilingual experience, have each student paint their non-dominant hand with fairly thick tempera paint. Use brown on the palm and thumb to create the turkey's body, neck and head. Use different colors for each finger to create tail feathers. Create a print by pressing the completed hand down on construction paper. You may want some additional vocabulary for this project: The phrase "wash your hands" is translated "lave sus manos"; "paintbrush" is "cepillo de pintura"; and "handprint" is "impresión de la mano."

Leaf Rubbings

Don't forget to discuss the veins in the leaves, the change in colors and the purposes leaves serve at some point.

A perennial favorite, leaf rubbings appeal to the kid in all of us. Go outside with the class and collect fallen leaves from different trees. Provide nice fat fall-colored crayons. Peel the wrappers off ahead of time, or let the children remove them. Select several leaves and place them under your paper. Color with the side of the crayon over the leaves. Move the leaves around under the paper to fill the whole sheet with overlapping images. Frame your work with construction paper and display.

Bilingual Leaf-Rubbing Vocabulary List

Help the children compare the shape and size of the leaves, as well as discussing the reason for the color change.

Leaves are "las hojas." Fall (the season) is "otono." Fall (the verb) is "caerse." Rubbing is "frotamiento." To pick or select is "escoger." Outside is "afuerra." To walk is "caminar." Chloroplasts are "los cloroplastos." Chromoplasts are "los cromoplastos." Veins are "las venas." Water is "el agua." The sun is "el sol." The word "bigger" translates as "más grande." The word "smaller" translates as "más pequenós." Pointy is "tiene una punta." Rounded translates as "sin una punta."

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