Friday, December 6, 2013

Creatures From The Pueblo Indians

Many animals, such as the turkey, are important in the culture of Pueblo Indians.

The Pueblo Indians have a rich culture that goes back thousands of years. Ancient Pueblo dwellings have been found all over the southern part of the United States, and their famous clay dwellings are some of the oldest houses to ever be discovered. Animals played an important part in the lives of the Pueblo Indians in almost every aspect of their culture. Familiarizing yourself with these animals can teach you about the Pueblo people and culture.


Several myths of the Pueblo Indians feature animals prominently, and in some cases, use animals to explain the origins of natural phenomenon. In the Pueblo creation myth, there are several different worlds, each with its own color. Insects belonged to the red first world, but eventually crawled up to the blue second world where they encountered birds. Together the birds and insects moved up to the the yellow third world where they met people and animals. Together they all moved to the final forth world, which was black and white. There they met people created by the gods, who taught all of them how to live in the world.


The Pueblo Indians, like other Native American tribes, domesticated and farmed animals thousands of years ago; chief among them was the turkey. However, the Pueblo Indians did not likely eat turkey regularly. Instead, they were raised to feed to hawks and owls. Other animals, such as buffalo, were also occasionally domesticated, though not as heavily as turkeys.


The Pueblo Indians hunted several animals; chief among them were deer, antelope, bears and rabbits. Hunters typically used bows and arrows to kill their prey, and the animals were subsequently used for food. Hunted animals may also have been used for clothing; hides were used to make aprons, kilts and blankets.


In addition to hunting and farming, animals were used for a number of other purposes. When the first European explorers encountered the Pueblo people, they discovered that they kept dogs, which could be used to pull sleds carrying supplies. Some people may have also kept eagles for their feathers, which were used in Pueblo clothing. After contact with Spain, horses became the dominant method of transportation and were used frequently by the Pueblo Indians.

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