Friday, April 12, 2013

Hair Clip Crafts

An ample supply of ribbon an bare clips is all you need to make bold hair clips.

Hair clips are a standard accessory for little girls, but these small hair accessories can get broken or lost in no time. Instead of spending money replacing these items, you can opt to make them yourself for much less. Homemade hair bows also allow for customization and an endless range of hair clips to match every outfit.

Korker Bows

Korker bows are made with curled ribbon and look festive for any event. To make a korker bow, you must first curl the ribbon by wrapping it around dowel rods, secure the ends with clothes pins and placing them in the oven at about 275 degrees for half an hour. When the ribbons have been removed from the oven, they will retain the curly shape that they achieved when wrapped around the rods. The finished ribbons can be sewn together in the center to create a mass of curly ribbon, perfect for hair clips. Combine multiple colors and patterns to match a special outfit or school colors. The finished korker bow can be glued to a plain hair clip.

Loop Bows

Loop bows are simple to make but yield impressive-looking results. Sew two or three pieces of ribbon together at one end. Secure to a hair clip by wrapping the thread around one end of the clip. Make a loop with the ribbon so that it sticks up about two inches from the clip. Secure the base of the loop to the clip again by wrapping the thread around the clip. Continue down the length of the clip so that you have several loops lined up, one after another. When you reach the end of the clip, trim off excess ribbon, sew the ends together and secure them to the end of the clip. Fan out the various layers of ribbon along the clip to create a full loopy bow.

Basic Bows

Creating a basic bow for a hair clip can be more difficult than it seems at first glance. For a piece that is secure and will not fall apart, you must make sure that the bow is sewn together tightly in the center. Begin your bow by making a single loop with a piece of ribbon. Follow this with a second loop on the opposite side. Loop the ribbon around twice more so that you have two small loops on either side with the ribbon passing over the center point each time. When you have finished the bow shape, sew the ribbon together in the center. Wrap the end of the thread around the ribbon several times to cinch it together. Glue the finished bow to the center of a hair clip. Wrap a second piece of ribbon around the center of the bow to conceal the thread and secure it with glue on the underside of the clip.

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