Quail are ground-feeding birds, so their food supply should be adequately protected from competition.
Quail blocks attract quail and other birds into your backyard. You can buy them in wild bird shops or make these blocks yourself in the comfort of your own home. An insect-eating species, quail prefer mixes rich in protein. The trick is to formulate the quail block to attract mostly birds, as opposed to rodents. A low fat content is more appetizing for quail and less appetizing for squirrels.
A quail block also makes a nutritious supplement for pet quails.
1. Mix the seeds together in a mixing bowl. Combine the wet ingredients and the flour in separate bowls.
2. Combine the dry and wet ingredients into one bowl and mix well. Add more molasses if the liquid does not completely coat the mix.
3. Line the cupcake tin with the paper liners. Spoon the mix into the tins.
4. Bake in an oven over low heat, about 150 degrees Fahrenheit, for one hour until the blocks are firm.
5. Place the quail bird food blocks outdoors on an upside-down tray. The position of the tray will keep water from soaking into and ruining the blocks.
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