14k Gold Earrings may turn your ears black.
You may have noticed that your earlobes have turned black after wearing 14-karat gold earrings. This condition, called black dermographism, is troubling and unsightly, but is not a serious health hazard.
Black dermographism is a reaction to gold that causes the skin to turn dark. The alloys in 14k gold jewelry can cause dark marks to occur on the skin.
Gold and Alloys
24-karat gold is considered to be pure gold, while 14k gold is 58.3 percent gold. Gold is mixed with alloys such as nickel, copper, zinc and silver to make the gold hard enough to be formed into jewelry.
Metallic Abrasion
The most common reason for black dermographism is metallic abrasion caused by makeup. The materials in makeup are hard enough to rub off tiny particles of the metal alloys and cause metallic dust, which appears as black smudges on the earlobes.
Metallic Corrosion
When you perspire, your body's fatty acids can cause the alloys in your gold earrings to corrode and form dark compounds. Smog and salt in warm climates can also tarnish the alloys in your gold earrings and cause dark smudges on your ears.
Remove your earrings before applying your makeup. Do not wear 14k gold earrings in a pool or hot tub. In addition, clean your earrings regularly. If you follow these steps, you should have less trouble with black dermographism.
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