Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How You Can Fresh paint Your Old A Coffee Table

When decorating your home, you don't always need to buy new furniture to give a room the right look. With a fresh coat of paint and a little elbow grease, you can breathe new life into old furniture to customize it for your needs. Old coffee tables are especially easy to repaint. Whether the table is made out of wood, plastic, or particle board, your coffee table can be refinished to get a fresh look while making a statement in your home.


1. Sand down the entire surface of your coffee table if it is made of wood or particle board. Use 120-grit sandpaper and sand by hand or by using a palm sander. This will help remove old remnants of paint or stain, as well as smooth any imperfections and help the table absorb the paint. If preparing a plastic table for painting, use a loose-grit sandpaper to gently score the table surface.

2. Wipe down the entire table with a clean, damp cloth to remove any loose dust and debris. Once you have finished wiping down your table, you may notice more imperfections or areas that require more sanding. Continue to sand until you have a clean, level surface to work with.

3. Decide on a paint color or stain. Choose to paint it all one color, or hand-paint a custom design to give your table a personal touch. Use a durable interior paint that is as water-resistant as possible, as the table may often be used to hold liquids or food.

4. Apply a first coat of paint to your coffee table. For best results, use a high-quality brush with fine bristles. If you are painting a wood table, follow the natural grain of the wood for an even and more professional finished look. Wipe up any excess paint or stain with a dry cloth to avoid any drips.

5. Allow your paint to dry before applying a second coat if necessary. If a second coat is not needed, skip ahead and apply a thick layer of polyurethane to act as a sealer. This will help protect the integrity of the table and paint if food or liquids are placed upon it. Allow to fully dry before using.

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