Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Steps To Make A Handmade Bra

Bras can be decorated with beading, coins, jewelry pieces and more.

Once a discreet undergarment, the bra has become much more than just embellished lingerie. Beaded bras are a wardrobe must for the club set. You'll see them, too, on sinuous dancers at Middle Eastern nightclubs and cultural performances. The decorated bra has been an important part of the typical belly-dance costume for centuries. Here's a method for making your own beaded bra for a fraction of the cost of retail.


1. Purchase a comfortable bra that enhances your figure.

Choose an underwire front-closure bra that fits well and has a pleasing neckline. The cups should be fabric-covered shaped foam. The straps should be sturdy enough to sew into and 1/2-inch wide or less. Remove all excess lace and ribbons. Find beaded fabric purses or ready-to-wear garments with usable beaded sections at your local thrift store or purchase beaded fabrics by the inch or by the yard in the special-occasion section of a well-stocked fabric store.

2. Shop at vintage clothing stores for unusual embellished fabrics and trims.

Sew a strip of trim onto each bra strap and onto the Y-shaped elastic bands on the sides and back of the bra. To allow for stretch, safety pin one end of the trim to the side of the bra at the cup. Try on the bra and have a friend lay the attached trim evenly across the back. Safety pin the trim to the elastic at 1-inch intervals. Remove the bra and tack the trim securely at each pinned point. If desired, cut away the fabric between the elastic strips. Leave a trim allowance that can be hidden under the cup fabric.

3. Place a jeweled brooch at the center front of the bra to complete the look.

Mount the beaded fabric to the bra cups. Work on cups simultaneously to ensure that the bead design is symmetrical. Pin the fabric across the top of the cup and position the beading accordingly. Smooth the fabric toward the center front and then along the under-cup. Pinch out the excess fabric to form a dart. Base the location of the dart at the side or bottom cup, depending on the beading, and hide it as much as possible. If necessary, remove beads in the dart fold so it will lay flat. Hand sew the fabric in place and remove the pins. Add jewelry findings, fringe or a large rhinestone brooch to cover the center front closure.

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