Friday, November 22, 2013

How You Can Assemble An Excellent Burlesque Costume

A burlesque dancer in hat, bodice and stockings.

Burlesque is a popular form of cabaret that features a variety show and female striptease. It is a performance art that was most popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Burlesque costumes consist of lingerie and other decorative, revealing undergarments. These items of clothing include corsets, bodices and stockings. Props such as umbrellas, hats and fans are also common in burlesque. Assemble a great burlesque costume using your creativity and personal taste.


1. Determine the theme of your burlesque costume. This depends on the occasion of your burlesque performance, whether you are part of a burlesque troupe that requires costume coordination and the resources at your disposal. If the theme of your costume is entirely up to you, common burlesque themes include schoolgirl, teacher and milkmaid.

2. Choose a color or pattern for your burlesque pattern. All of the elements of your costume should compliment each other. Combinations of black, pink and red are common colors in burlesque. Choose a particular pattern, such as frills, fishnet or feathers.

3. Decide the components of your burlesque costume. Some burlesque costumes consist of more clothing than others, depending on the length of your performance and personal preference. In general, a corset or bodice for your torso, stockings or leggings for your legs and shoes should suffice. Additionally, you may choose to add a skirt, gloves or even a full dress for added layers.

4. Find props for your burlesque costume. Props may include a mask, a flashy hat or an umbrella. These props are used to add mystique to your onstage persona or assist you in your dance routine.

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