Monday, November 18, 2013

Building Trolling Fishing rod Holders

A do-it-yourself trolling rod holder is helpful when trolling.

Trolling is an effective technique for catching certain types of fish, but without a trolling rod holder, you may find your hands occupied for long stretches of time. A trolling rod holder allows you to keep trolling while enjoying some refreshments, readying another lure or steering the boat. Fishing supply stores sell trolling rod holders for different-sized rods, but you can make your own with a few materials and tools.


1. Cut a one-and-a-half foot length of PVC pipe with a reciprocating saw, and mount it into a seat-mounting hole at the rear of the boat.

2. Place a cross-style pipe joint one-third from the top of the one-foot pipe, and insert one-foot lengths of pipe in the joint, parallel to the pipe in the mounting hole.

3. Place a cross-style pipe joint at the end of each horizontal one-foot pipe, and insert another one-foot pipe through the joint. You will now have the foundation for two rod holders. If you wish to add additional holders, add more pipe and joints to extend the apparatus outward.

4. Rotate the rod holders to a 45-degree angle, with the top end pointing away from the boat.

5. Attach canvas straps or bungee cords from either side of the center of the holder to the boat's gunwales for extra sturdiness.

6. Cut notches out of the tops of the pipes to ensure the fishing rods will sit deeply enough in their holders.

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