Monday, November 18, 2013

How You Can Eliminate Chiggers

Chiggers are the larvae of harvest mites. Chiggers are tiny and reddish. Their bites are very irritating and can take up to two weeks to heal. Here's how to get rid of chiggers.


1. Trim your garden well during the warm months of spring as chiggers are known to be very active at this time of year.

2. Spray insecticides particularly effective on chigger and harvest mites that are easily available online. Spray the insecticides only at the right spots instead of the entire space.

3. Use insect repellents that contain DEET (Diethyl-m-toluamide). It is easily available in the market and can be applied to your clothes. It is considered effective in keeping away chiggers.

4. Smear your body with insect repellent containing Nepetalactone, Citronella and eucalyptus oil extract. Reapply after few hours.

5. Try an alternative and the safest way. Protect you and your family by discarding clothes that attract chiggers. Thoroughly wash ankles, feet, armpits and chest. Wear tight, protective clothing to reduce vulnerability to chiggers. Long sleeved shirts, tight socks, pants tucked in boots and buttoned cuffs are recommended.

6. Dust your shoes, socks and pants with sulphur, as it keeps chiggers at bay.

7. Use deodorant soap on your skin and allow it to dry. Do not rinse. This is known to prevent chiggers.

8. Avoid exposure to dry tall grass and thick, unshaded vegetation as they are natural habitats of chiggers.

9. Take a hot bath after returning from a chigger prone area. Also use hot water and detergent for washing clothes.

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