Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Eighties Hair Band Styles

Hair metal style utilizes heavy makeup and black clothing.

Heavy metal is among the most enduring musical styles from the 1980s and is characterized by heavy guitars and raw lyrics. Sometimes referred to as "hair metal," bands of this ilk were decked out in over the top style, with tight leather pants, makeup and big hair. This style was appealing to the growing music video market and the look was quickly adopted by fans. A few simple pieces and an adventurous attitude will complete the look.

Clothing Basics

Black is a must for achieving the hair band style of the 1980s. Men should start with a tight-fitting black T-shirt, while women were more often found in tummy-bearing or over-sized styles. Men and women wore similar style bottoms, primarily tight black leather or acid-washed denim jeans. These items were generally paired with fringed leather or denim jackets, motorcycle boots or black Converse sneakers. Common alternatives to the plain black T-shirt were black or gray T-shirts with band logos from the '70s and early '80s. Most of these logo tees centered on punk bands or rock groups band members and fans grew up on.


Accessories were a big part of '80s style. These pieces were most often chunky, plastic pieces in bright colors for women, and black leather, studded pieces for men. Occasionally, these pieces were used by both sexes. Feather earrings, leather wrist cuffs and studded belts were all part of the look. Additionally, skulls, tigers, eagles, anarchy symbols and ornate crosses were popular. Often, band members and fans sported a collection of tattoos, varying in theme and size. If real ink isn't a possibility, consider the temporary or hand-drawn types.


Makeup was a common site on both male and females of the hair metal style. A must is a line of heavy black eyeliner and thick mascara. Eye makeup is where a bit of color was added in. Occasionally, smoky colors like charcoal, blue and dark green were used, but bright blues, yellow and pink were also available. Fingernail polish was commonly black, though blood red and similar shades were widely used. Heavy lipstick, primarily in deep reds or bright pink was also popular.


Hair is perhaps the most important aspect of hair metal style. The first step to achieving styles of the era is to invest in a good, stiff hold hairspray; Aqua Net was perhaps the most well-known of the decade, an aerosol variety widely used because of its strong hold. Hair metal is known for one main style of hair -- long and heavily feathered. A bit of teasing was required to keep it as big as possible, a true component of '80s hair metal. The colors varied from bleach blond to black, and would occasionally be streaked with multiple colors. Heavy bangs, hair sprayed away from the face and as high as possible are ideal.

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