Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Distinction Between Male & Female Gouldians

Gouldian or gouldian finch is a colorful passerine bird. It is also known as the rainbow finch, lady gouldian or gould. You can distinguish male and female gouldians for the purpose of mating based on their behavior and color pattern.


Gouldians are brightly colored with black, yellow, green and red markings. Males are brighter colored than females. The chest of the male is purple and belly is yellow, whereas it is lighter mauve for the chest of the female and lighter yellow for its belly. Mostly the light blue face mask color is larger and clearer in males than in females.


Gouldians normally breed in the early time of dry season. After mating, female gouldians lay large clutches of eggs in their nests. Male gouldians collect the materials for the nests and the females rearrange and build nests of their liking. During the day, both male and female share the incubation responsibilities and in the night time, the male normally waits outside and the female sits on the eggs. In 13 to 14 days, the young birds come out. Then both genders take turn brooding over the young ones. Soon after hatching, after incubating well, most males eject the young.


Gouldians are relatively quiet birds. They have a high pitched voice that doesn't carry over long distances. When a male is courting a female, he starts with beak wiping, bobbing and ruffling his feathers to show off the brilliant colors and keeps his body and tail straight. He also expands his chest and fluffs his forehead feathers. During this time, females normally do a bit of beak wiping only.

Other Characteristics

Only male gouldians are singers, though females can squeak. In comparison to females, male gouldians have much longer tail feathers.

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