Thursday, November 21, 2013

How You Can Tie A Deer Hair Fly Mind

Deer hair heads
are bouyant and will float dry flies.

Spinning deer hair heads is not a complicated process, but it requires practice and a steady hand. Deer hair heads are used on numerous dry flies, streamers and some nymphs. The hollow hair is buoyant and dry fly heads will keep the fly floating without assistance. Deer hair heads on streamers are used to create a wobble action and keep the fly off the bottom. The streamer must be used with a sink tip line or with a weighted body to prevent it from floating.


1. Place a hook in the vise and tie the fly of your choice. Stop the thread behind the last materials secured to the hook. You must have a gap between the materials and the eye of the hook for the deer hair head. The exact size of the head varies depending on the type of fly. Most heads require space for three or four clumps of deer hair.

2. Use your thumb, forefinger and middle finger to secure a chunk of deer hair on the hide. Hold the hair by the tips and cut the hair away from the hide. Use your fingers to comb through the base of the hair. Pull away loose fibers and fur until the deer hair looks clean.

3. Lay the hair flat on the top of the hook. Align the middle of the bunch with your thread. Make two loose wraps of thread over the hair. Make a third wrap and begin to tighten the thread until the hair begins to spin. Make two more tight wraps to continue spinning the hair.

4. Use your fingers or a hair packer to push the spun hair forward. Make several wraps of thread behind the hair to hold it in place. Repeat the process until you have reached the eye of the hook.

5. Use a razor blade to trim the bottom of the head flat. Flex the razor between your thumb and forefinger to create a curve in the blade. Use the curve to trim the top and sides of the head. The curve creates a rounded head. Use your scissors to trim any small pieces of hair the razor missed.

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